Executive Committee Minutes 2014, Philadelphia

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting

Philadelphia, PA, January 2, 2014

Manuel Arellano | President (via Conference Call)
Robert Porter | First Vice-President
Eddie Dekel | Second Vice-President
James J. Heckman | Past President
Hidehiko Ichimura | At-Large Member
Larry Samuelson | At-Large Member
Daron Acemoglu | Editor of Econometrica
George Mailath | Editor of Theoretical Economics
Rosa Matzkin | Editor of Quantitative Economics
Hyun Song Shin | Executive Vice-President
Bernard Salanie | Executive Vice=President elect
Claire Sashi | General Manager

Bruce Caldwell

Apologies: Margaret Meyer | At-Large Member

Porter chaired the meeting and conveyed apologies from Meyer and Arellano.


Minutes of the August 2013 Meeting

It was AGREED to amend the minutes of the Gothenburg meeting, Item 28, under Regional Standing Committee appointments to read as follows: "The Executive Committee AGREED that the Far Eastern Regional Standing Committee for 2014 should consist of the following voting members, comprising Council members Hongbin Cai, Hidehiko Ichimura, Michihiro Kandori, Akihiko Matsui as well as In-Koo Cho, Yingyi Qian, Yoon-Jae Whang; and non-voting members comprising previous, current and future Asia meeting program chairs, and the China meeting representative."

The Executive Committee discussed appropriate policy for the report of Executive Committee business to the Council and public disclosure of the minutes. The aim was to balance transparency and governance goals with confidentiality concerns. It was AGREED to post future minutes of the Executive Committee meeting on the Society's webpage, and to open the Council discussion forum on a permanent basis for Council members to comment on the minutes and other Society business.

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