Green and Laffont have characterized certain appealing dominant-strategy revelation mechanisms as precisely the mechanisms introduced by Groves, but they have established the characterization only for unstructured sets of public alternatives: if the set has some natural structure, their proof generally requires that pathological preferences be admissible. It is shown here that the same characterization holds on sets in R^n, even when only nice preferences are admitted; this greatly extends the usefulness of the characterization.
Walker, Mark. “A Note on the Characterization of Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences.” Econometrica, vol. 46, .no 1, Econometric Society, 1978, pp. 147-152,
Walker, Mark. “A Note on the Characterization of Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences.” Econometrica, 46, .no 1, (Econometric Society: 1978), 147-152.
Walker, M. (1978). A Note on the Characterization of Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences. Econometrica, 46(1), 147-152.
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