Problems of simultaneous equations were first examined in connection with errors-in-variables models, but formal results on identification were published only for the errors-in-equations model. This paper shows that very similar results hold for the errors-in-variables cases. It also examines limited information, maximum likelihood estimation for this case.
Konijn, H. S.. “Identification and Estimation in a Simultaneous Equations Model with Errors in the Variables.” Econometrica, vol. 30, .no 1, Econometric Society, 1962, pp. 79-87,
Konijn, H. S.. “Identification and Estimation in a Simultaneous Equations Model with Errors in the Variables.” Econometrica, 30, .no 1, (Econometric Society: 1962), 79-87.
Konijn, H. S. (1962). Identification and Estimation in a Simultaneous Equations Model with Errors in the Variables. Econometrica, 30(1), 79-87.
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