October 11, 2024
The Econometric Society Announces the Results of its Officers and Council Elections
The Econometric Society is pleased to announce the results of its officers and Council elections.October 11, 2024
The Econometric Society Announces its 2024 Fellows
The Econometric Society is pleased to announce the election of the following 42 new Fellows.
October 2, 2024
Remembrance of Robert M. Solow, President, the Econometric Society, 1964
In Remembrance of Robert M. Solow by Peter Diamond
As you probably know, former Econometric Society President Robert M. Solow passed away on December 21, 2023. A remembrance has been prepared by former President Peter Diamond. You can find the remembrance here and can also find it and remembrances for other past Presidents on the Econometric Society web site here.
Eliana La Ferrara
September 10, 2024
Announcing the new 2025 co-editors
Starting July 1, 2025, we will have seven new Co-Editors for the Society's three journals. Click above to access the full announcement.
August 27, 2024
Econometrica Editorial Board Changes
Econometrica has an update in its upcoming board change this October 2024.August 12, 2024
In Remembrance of Robert E. Lucas, Jr., President, the Econometric Society, 1997
In Remembrance of Robert E. Lucas, Jr., by Thomas J. Sargent
As you probably know, former Econometric Society President Robert Lucas passed away on May 15, 2023. A remembrance has been prepared by former President Thomas Sargent. You can find the remembrance here and can also find it and remembrances for other past Presidents on the Econometric Society web site here.
Eliana La Ferrara
July 30, 2024
Remembrance of Marc Nerlove, President of the Econometric Society, 1981
It is with sorrow and great respect that I announce the passing of former Econometric Society President Marc Nerlove. A remembrance has been prepared by former President James Heckman and can be found here.
Eliana La Ferrara
July 11, 2024
Announcing WC2025 Mentoring Initiative - Supporting Professional Development
We are pleased to announce the establishment of a new Econometric Society standing committee - The Committee for Supporting Professional Development.
The committee’s mandate is to identify and help implement initiatives to support researchers’ professional development across Econometric Society regions.
April 3, 2024
Announcing the Launch of the Econometric Society Conference Paper Archive
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Econometric Society Conference Paper Archive, a working paper archive for papers presented at Society conferences. Society members will be offered the opportunity to post their papers permanently on the site after presentation at any regional meeting, the World Congress, or other Society conference. Presenters will also be able to upload slides from the talk if desired.
The archive will hold papers from 2024 on. We will soon be reaching out to those who have already presented at 2024 meetings, specifically, the North American Winter Meeting in San Antonio and the Asia Meeting-C/S/W that took place in Delhi, India. Thereafter, we will send an email to each group of presenters following the conference at which they presented.
We encourage members to update their papers in the archive as they are revised over time. Papers in the archive will be linked to the member's profile as well as the associated regional website.
Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions on this or other Society initiatives.
March 5, 2024
Announcing the New Journal Editors
The terms of the Editors of the Econometric Society's three journals end June 30, 2025. We are pleased to announce the incoming Editors and to thank the outgoing Editors for their excellent and continuing service.
Econometrica: Since 2019, Guido Imbens has served as the 14th Editor of Econometrica. On July 1, 2025, Marina Halac will become the Editor.
Quantitative Economics: Stéphane Bonhomme has been the Editor of Quantitative Economics since 2021. His successor will be Bernard Salanié.
Theoretical Economics: The Editor of Theoretical Economics since 2021 has been Simon Board. Taking over for him in July 2025 will be Federico Echenique.
Guido, Stéphane, and Simon have been outstanding Editors. We are grateful to them for the work they have done and will continue to do, and we look forward to further congratulating them next year. We believe Marina, Bernard, and Federico will be outstanding successors and we thank them in advance for their service.
Finally, we are grateful to Larry Samuelson for chairing all three search committees, and we thank the search committee members for their hard and fruitful work:
Econometrica: Christian Dustmann, Lars Hansen, Alessandro Lizzeri, George Mailath, Ariel Pakes, Helene Rey, and Elie Tamer.
QE: Kate Ho, Michael Keane, Felix Kubler, Whitney Newey, and Frank Schorfheide.
TE: Jeff Ely, Johannes Horner, Gilat Levy, Meg Meyer, and Ran Spiegler.
February 8, 2024
Announcing New Econometric Society Prizes and Lectures Series
We are pleased to announce the addition of three new prizes and three new lectures series sponsored by the Econometric Society.
The three new prizes are the Arrow Prize, the Haavelmo Prize, and the Sonnenschein Service Prize. The three added lectures series are the Blackwell-Robinson Omnibus Lectures (for interdisciplinary/cross-field research), the Lewis-Ostrom Lectures in Applied Economics, and the Lucas-Modigliani Lectures in Macroeconomics and Finance.
The first two new prizes parallel the Frisch Medal. First awarded in 1978, the Frisch Medal is presented every other year for the best applied economics paper in Econometrica in the previous four years.
The Arrow Prize will be given to the best theory paper in Econometrica in the past four years, while the Haavelmo Prize will be awarded to the best econometrics paper in Econometrica over that period. The Frisch Medal, Arrow Prize, and Haavelmo Prize will be given in even-numbered years, with the latter two being awarded for the first time in 2024.
The third new award, the Sonnenschein Service Prize, will be given in recognition of extraordinary service to the Econometric Society or the profession at large. It will be awarded every year, starting in 2024, with the recipient chosen by the President of the Society and the chairs of the six Regional Standing Committees.