Econometrica - Volume 39
Issue 1
The Propensity to Consume Separate Types of Income: A Generalized Permanent Income Hypothesis
Frank Stafford, Robert Holbrook
p. 1-21
Generalized Least Squares with an Estimated Variance Covariance Matrix
G. S. Maddala
p. 23-33
Marshallian External Economies and Optimal Tax-Subsidy Structure
Masahiko Aoki
p. 35-53
The Error of Forecast in Econometric Models when the Forecast-Period Exogenous Variables are Stochastic
Martin S. Feldstein
p. 55-60
A Class of Variable Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions
Nagesh S. Revankar
p. 61-71
Stochastic Properties of the Klein-Goldberger Model
E. Philip Howrey
p. 73-87
Revealed Preference--A Structural Analysis
Anthony Y. C. Koo
p. 89-97
Estimation of Solow's Distributed Lag Models
V. K. Chetty
p. 99-117
Optimal Production, Investment, and Output Price Controls for a Monopoly Firm of the Evans' Type
Melvin D. George, Michael S. Proctor, Perry L. Brown, Russell G. Thompson
p. 119-129
A General Approximation to the Distribution of Instrumental Variables Estimates
J. D. Sargan, W. M. Mikhail
p. 131-169
Notes and Comments: Price-Influenced Utility Functions--A Note
Michael Jones-Lee
p. 171-172
Notes and Comments: Optimal Pricing and Inventory Decisions for Non-Seasonal Items
Howard Kunreuther, Jean Francois Richard
p. 173-175
Notes and Comments: Measuring the Price Sensitivity of Indian Tea Exports: A Comment
Nurali Peera
p. 177-178
Notes and Comments: Uncertainty and Optimal Consumption Decisions
Leonard J. Mirman
p. 179-185
Accepted Manuscripts
p. 197-197
European Meeting of the Econometric Society
p. 197-197
Issue 2
Generalization of the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
Yasuo Uekawa
p. 197-217
The Production Coefficient Matrix and the Stolper-Samuelson Condition
Ken-ichi Inada
p. 219-239
The Finite Sampling Distribution of Least Squares Estimators with Stochastic Regressors
Leon L. Wegge
p. 241-251
Conditional Expected Utility
David H. Krantz, R. Duncan Luce
p. 253-271
The Theory of Representative Majority Decision
Peter C. Fishburn
p. 273-284
Money Supply and Economic Growth
Fusaji Takahashi
p. 285-303
Some Basic Problems on Excess Demand Functions
Ryosuke Hotaka
p. 305-307
The Output Limit Function in General and Convex Programming and the Theory of Production
S. N. Afriat
p. 309-339
The Use of Variance Components Models in Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data
G. S. Maddala
p. 341-358
Further Evidence on the Estimation of Dynamic Economic Relations from a Time Series of Cross Sections
Marc Nerlove
p. 359-382
A Note on Error Components Models
Marc Nerlove
p. 383-396
Notes and Comments: Comment on "The Use of Error Components Models in Combining Cross Section with Time Series Data"
Charles R. Henderson, Jr.
p. 397-401
Notes and Comments: A Condition for the Completeness of Partial Preference Relations
David Schmeidler
p. 403-404
Notes and Comments: The Existence of Aggregate Production Functions: Comment
Franklin M. Fisher, Joan Robinson
p. 405-405
Notes and Comments: The Existence of Aggregate Production Functions: Reply
Franklin M. Fisher, Joan Robinson
p. 405-405
Accepted Manuscripts
p. 415-415
[Photograph]: Jacques Dreze, President of the Econometric Society, 1970; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1969
Issue 3
Equilibrium with Transaction Costs
F. H. Hahn
p. 417-439
Limit Pricing and Uncertain Entry
Morton I. Kamien, Nancy L. Schwartz
p. 441-454
The Use of Undersized Samples in the Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Systems
James Holmes, P. A. V. B. Swamy
p. 455-459
Estimating a Structural Equation in a Large System
Walter D. Fisher, Walter J. Wadycki
p. 461-465
A Convergent Pareto-Satisfactory Non-Tatonnement Adjustment Process for a Class of Unselfish Exchange Environments
John O. Ledyard
p. 467-499
Regression with Non-Gaussian Stable Disturbances: Some Sampling Results
Robert Blattberg, Thomas Sargent
p. 501-510
Shiftable versus Non-Shiftable Capital: A Synthesis
Martin L. Weitzman
p. 511-529
Best Linear Minimum Bias Estimation in Linear Regression
Peter Schonfeld
p. 531-544
Discrete Approximations to Continuous Time Distributed Lags in Econometrics
Christopher A. Sims
p. 545-563
Congestion Interdependence and Urban Transit Fares
Roger Sherman
p. 565-576
Identification in Parametric Models
Thomas J. Rothenberg
p. 577-591
The Continuous Representation of a Social Preference Ordering
J. S. Kelly
p. 593-597
Social Welfare Function and Social Indifference Surfaces
Ken-ichi Inada
p. 599-623
Solow Prices and the Dual Stability Paradox in the Leontief Dynamic System
Enrico Zaghini
p. 625-632
Notes and Comments: Solow Prices and the Dual Stability Paradox in the Leontief Dynamic System: A Comment
Robert M. Solow
p. 633-634
Notes and Comments: Solow Prices and the Dual Stability Paradox in the Leontief Dynamic System: A Reply
Enrico Zaghini
p. 634-634
Notes and Comments: A Minimum-Distance Interpretation of Limited-Information Estimation
Arthur S. Goldberger, Ingram Olkin
p. 635-639
Notes and Comments: Equilibrium in the Market for Land: Obtaining Spatial Distributions by Change of Variable
Anthony J. Blackburn
p. 641-644
Accepted Manuscripts
p. 655-655
Announcement of a Section of Econometrica Devoted to Computer Algorithms
p. 655-655
Issue 4
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Program
p. 1-36
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: The Core of an Economy
p. 37-38
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Production and Firm Behavior I: Econometrics
p. 39-43
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Numerical Models for Development Planning I
p. 44-48
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Economic History
p. 48-51
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Economic Policy I
p. 51-55
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Monetary Theory
p. 55-59
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: General Equilibrium Theory
p. 59-62
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Economic and Social Accounting I
p. 62-63
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Social Welfare Functions
p. 63-65
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Population and Labor I
p. 65-67
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Infinite Variance Distributions and Time Series Analysis
p. 67-70
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Components of Financial Models
p. 70-74
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Health
p. 74-78
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Urban and Regional Economics I
p. 78-82
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Uncertainty and Theory of the Firm
p. 83-84
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Econometric Models of the Financial Sector
p. 84-87
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Consumer Demand Systems
p. 87-89
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Money and Growth
p. 90-91
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Distributed Lags
p. 91-93
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Production Theory
p. 94-96
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Game Theory
p. 96-99
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Topics in Time Series Analysis
p. 99-102
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: The Performance of Econometric Models
p. 102-105
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Numerical Models for Development Planning II
p. 105-109
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Employment and Wages
p. 109-113
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Population and Labor II
p. 114-117
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Microeconomics of Development
p. 117-120
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: International Trade Theory I
p. 120-122
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Use of Posterior Probabilities in Choosing among Models
p. 122-125
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Heterogeneous Capital Goods and Economic Growth
p. 125-127
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Project Link
p. 127-129
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Economic and Social Accounting II
p. 129-131
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Teams and Other Organizations I
p. 131-132
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Economic Theory of Organization I
p. 132-136
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: The Theory of Economic Growth
p. 137-140
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Welfare Economics and Externalities
p. 140-143
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Inter-Temporal Choice
p. 143-146
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Econometrics of International Trade
p. 146-149
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Foundations of Economic Theory
p. 149-152
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Econometrics of Investment Behavior
p. 152-156
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Solution Concepts for Economies
p. 157-159
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Portfolio Choice I
p. 159-163
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Theory of Finance
p. 163-166
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Simultaneous Equations Estimation I
p. 166-168
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Macro-Econometric Models
p. 168-172
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Production and Firm Behavior II: Theory
p. 172-175
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Education
p. 175-178
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Numerical Models for Development Planning III
p. 178-183
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: The Econometrics of Consumer Behavior
p. 183-185
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Urban and Regional Economics II
p. 185-189
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Economic Policy II
p. 189-191
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Micro-Econometrics of Production I
p. 192-193
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Simultaneous Equations II
p. 193-195
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Microeconomics of Information I
p. 195-196
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Consumer Durables: Ownership and Demand
p. 196-199
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Theory of Public Finance I
p. 199-201
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Simultaneous Equations III
p. 201-202
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Microeconomics of Information II
p. 202-203
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Theory of Public Finance II
p. 203-204
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Micro-Econometrics of Production II
p. 204-206
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Duality in the Theory of Production
p. 206-208
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: International Trade Theory II
p. 208-210
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Input-Output Analysis I
p. 211-212
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Applications of Econometrics to Agriculture
p. 212-216
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Invited Address
p. 216-217
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Effects of Household Composition on Consumer Demand
p. 217-219
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Input-Output Analysis II
p. 219-222
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Numerical Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory
p. 222-222
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Theory of Rational Choice
p. 223-227
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Non-Linear Methods
p. 228-232
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Econometric Models of Developing Countries
p. 232-239
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Portfolio Choice II
p. 239-242
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Optimal Economic Growth
p. 242-244
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: The Econometrics of Production
p. 244-247
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Intertemporal Utility Maximation and Consumer Demand
p. 248-251
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, England, September 1970: Economic Theory of Organisation II
p. 251-266
Program of the Fifth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1970
p. 267-270
Tenth Indian Econometric Conference, Madurai, November 1970: [Program]: Tenth Indian Econometric Conference, Madurai, November 1970
p. 271-273
Tenth Indian Econometric Conference, Madurai, November 1970: Abstracts of Papers
p. 274-291
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Program
p. 293-315
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Environment
p. 316-317
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Simultaneous Equations 1
p. 317-318
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Corporation Finance
p. 319-322
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Dynamic Market Models
p. 322-325
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Consumer Choice
p. 326-329
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: The Allocation of Social Risk
p. 329-330
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Labor Market
p. 330-332
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: International Trade Theory 1
p. 332-334
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Utility Theory
p. 334-335
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Production Process Analysis
p. 335-337
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Monetary Policy
p. 337-339
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Information in Decision and Organization Theory
p. 339-340
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Trade and Development
p. 341-342
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Applied Programming
p. 342-344
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Growth Models
p. 344-350
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Econometrics and Current Problems
p. 350-350
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Urban Housing Problems
p. 350-352
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Microanalytic Simulation of Household Behavior
p. 353-354
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Macroeconometric Models
p. 354-356
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Economic Development of Agriculture
p. 356-358
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: The Current Status of Income Maintenance Experiments
p. 358-358
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Time Series
p. 359-361
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Health and Welfare
p. 361-363
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Production Functions: Country Studies
p. 363-366
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Minimum Wage Laws
p. 367-369
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Simultaneous Equations II
p. 369-370
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Microeconomic Theory
p. 370-372
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Social Welfare Theory
p. 373-375
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Transportation
p. 375-377
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: The Theory of Planning
p. 377-378
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Theory of the Firm
p. 378-380
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Macreconomic Development Models
p. 380-381
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: International Trade II
p. 382-384
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Demand for Money
p. 385-390
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: The Vietnamese War: Economic Prospects after Demobilization
p. 390-391
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Models of Investment in the Firm
p. 391-392
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Financial Intermediaries
p. 393-393
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: General Equilibrium Models
p. 393-396
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Spatial Models
p. 396-398
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Education
p. 398-401
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Regression Analysis
p. 401-403
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Decentralized Control and Coordination
p. 403-404
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Portfolio Models
p. 404-407
North American Regional Conference, Detroit, December 1970: Military Expenditure
p. 407-409
Issue 5
Investment Under Uncertainty
Edward C. Prescott, Robert E. Lucas, Jr
p. 659-681
Congestion Tolls for Commercial Airports
Rolla Edward Park
p. 683-694
CRESH Production Functions
Giora Hanoch
p. 695-712
An Equivalence Theorem for the Core of an Economy Whose Atoms Are Not "Too" Big
Jean Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean-Francois Mertens
p. 713-721
Comparison of k-Class Estimators When the Disturbances Are Small
Joseph B. Kadane
p. 723-737
Determinants of Negotiated Wage Increases: An Empirical Analysis
David A. Wilton, Gordon R. Sparks
p. 739-750
The Identification Problem for Multiple Equation Systems with Moving Average Errors
E. J. Hannan
p. 751-765
A Nonconvex Control Problem for the Competitive Firm
Melvin D. George, R. R. Hocking, Russell G. Thompson
p. 767-772
Development Strategy for a Medium-Sized Economy
Morris Teubal
p. 773-795
Random Walk of Stock Prices: A Test of the Variance-Time Function
William E. Young
p. 797-812
Estimation of Net Social Benefits from Outdoor Recreation
Durward Brewer, Oscar R. Burt
p. 813-827
Some Statistical Models for Limited Dependent Variables with Application to the Demand for Durable Goods
John G. Cragg
p. 829-844
The Rational Multivariate Flexible Accelerator
Arthur B. Treadway
p. 845-856
Notes and Comments: The Strict Convexity of the Transformation Surface in Case of Linear Homogeneous Production Functions: A General Case
Chulsoon Khang
p. 857-859
Notes and Comments: Non-Linear Estimates of the Liquidity Trap
Robert Eisner
p. 861-864
Accepted Manuscripts
p. 873-874
Membership List
p. 874-874
European Meeting of the Econometric Society
p. 875-876
La Conference Europeenne de la Societe d'Econometrie
p. 877-878
Issue 6
Optimal Savings Policy When Labor Grows Endogenously
Eric G. Davis, Ryuzo Sato
p. 877-897
The Use of Approximate Prior Distributions in a Bayesian Decision Model
Richard E. Kihlstrom
p. 899-910
A Differential Game Model of Duopoly
G. Leitmann, H. Y. Wan, Jr., S. Clemhout
p. 911-938
The Likelihood Approach to Pooling Cross-Section and Time-Series Data
G. S. Maddala
p. 939-953
Optimum Growth and Allocation of Foreign Exchange
Pranab K. Bardhan
p. 955-971
A Note on the Comparison of Ordinary and Two-Stage Least Squares Estimators
e-Min Wu, David H. Richardson
p. 973-981
Optimal Air Quality Standards
Robert E. Kohn
p. 983-995
Equilibrium Analysis of Exchange Economies with Indivisible Commodities
Egbert Dierker
p. 997-1008
A Note on Interdependence as a Specification Error
Jacques H. Dreze, Robert H. Strotz
p. 1009-1013
The Existence of International Trade Equilibrium with Trade Tax-Subsidy Distortions
Kevin C. Sontheimer
p. 1015-1035
Notes and Comments: A General Definition of the Lorenz Curve
Joseph L. Gastwirth
p. 1037-1039
Notes and Comments: An Old-New Measure of Income Inequality
Yaakov Kondor
p. 1041-1042
Notes and Comments: A Note on Distributed Lags with Rational Polynomial Generating Functions
John C. Hause
p. 1043-1047
Notes and Comments: The Identification of Ratios of Parameters in Unidentified Equations
Jerry S. Kelly
p. 1049-1051
Notes and Comments: Alternative Estimates of Capital-Labor Substitution in Manufacturing in Developing Economies: Comments on Professor Clague
Ann D. Witte
p. 1053-1054
Notes and Comments: Alternative Estimates of Capital-Labor Substitution in Manufacturing in Developing Economies: A Reply
Christopher K. Clague
p. 1055-1056
Accepted Manuscripts
p. 1063-1064
Note of Appreciation
Gerard Debreu
p. 1063-1063
Unpublished Research Memoranda
p. 1065-1067