This paper is concerned with the introduction of input or output targets in decentralized planning processes. The process which is studied is that of Dantzig-Wolf-Malinvaud. All the properties of a "good" scheme are present when the central board designates a neighborhood of a point of the production set (instead of an exact output target) where each firm or sector is constrained to maximize an index.
Younes, Y.. “Indices Prospectifs Quantitatifs et Procedures Decentralisees d'Elaboration des Plans.” Econometrica, vol. 40, .no 1, Econometric Society, 1972, pp. 137-146,
Younes, Y.. “Indices Prospectifs Quantitatifs et Procedures Decentralisees d'Elaboration des Plans.” Econometrica, 40, .no 1, (Econometric Society: 1972), 137-146.
Younes, Y. (1972). Indices Prospectifs Quantitatifs et Procedures Decentralisees d'Elaboration des Plans. Econometrica, 40(1), 137-146.
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